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Legal Notices

The services of the website are provided in accordance with the terms of use stated below; In order to use this website and benefit from the services offered, users must carefully read and approve the terms stated below.

Visitors who want to get information about the company's products and/or services from the website can contact them by filling out the contact form. In addition, visitors can share their opinions / reviews about the services and / or products on the website with the website administrators through this method. The website does not record the content of messages sent by visitors for any purpose other than detecting violations of these terms of use. The website does not share the content of the message with third parties without the consent of the author, as required by applicable laws or at the request of competent authorities. If these terms of use are accepted, the user accepts that he/she gives permission to share the information he/she has shared with all subsidiaries and business partners of the business for the purposes of offering special advantages to the user and notification of all kinds of communication activities for sales, marketing and similar purposes.

The website may contain links ("links") to other websites operated by third parties. Since the website has no control over the content or information in the mentioned links, it is not responsible for the content of those web pages nor is it responsible for any damages arising from their use. It is also not responsible for the quality, accuracy or completeness of information provided by third parties, including information provided by any of these links.

Users accept that the comments they post on the website are under their own responsibility. The accuracy, completeness, reliability, adequacy and currency of any user comments on the website are not guaranteed or guaranteed by the website in any way. Users are responsible for the content they publish and any intellectual property rights violations caused by the content they publish.

If the comments published by the user on the website violate the rights of third parties or cause harm to third parties, this constitutes a violation of the terms of use; The website reserves the right to delete comments made for this reason directly or indirectly without notice. Users can use the services offered by the website under the following conditions:

A) Insulting, slanderous, pornographic, abusive, containing hate expressions, violating privacy, obscene, violent and profane, illegal, racist, offensive, exploitative of children or animals, harmful to minors, or third parties User comments that violate the intellectual property rights or trade secrets of the parties or third party rights or that give rise to legal or criminal liability will not be published.

B) Incomplete, inaccurate or misleading comments cannot be posted, another person or institution cannot be impersonated, or the relationship with a person or institution cannot be misrepresented.

C) Imitation headers or identifiers cannot be used to hide the source of messages or comments sent to the site through any service offered on the website.

D) Users may not publish, e-mail, transmit or install certain content that they are not authorized to publish by law or mutual agreements.

Ε) Software or content in any format (text, image, audio, video, animation) that violates the intellectual property rights of any third party cannot be published or transmitted.

F) Unwanted e-mails or other unauthorized advertisements or requests cannot be sent, published or transmitted to the website or to other users or visitors using the website, and such unwanted content cannot be uploaded to the website.

G) The website cannot be used in a way that disturbs or harasses others or violates the privacy rights of third parties.

Additionally, users of the website:
They cannot disclose their personal mail, phone numbers and other personal data on the website. They may be banned (BAN) as a result of violation of the terms of use and cannot make any complaints. They cannot share posts that contain threatening or disturbing content. They cannot publish content containing propaganda contrary to national or moral values ​​and symbols. They cannot share content for this purpose (prostitution, etc.) with offers of sexual intercourse or in exchange for money for this purpose. Swearing, insults, etc. They cannot share posts that contain offensive content or disturb other users. They cannot share advertisements or incentives (other websites, products, services, companies). They cannot invite users to other different web pages (sites).

Conditions Regarding Intellectual Property and Copyrights
Website users are prohibited from copying, publishing or distributing content belonging to third parties, which are protected by intellectual property and copyrights by applicable laws, in a way that violates the law, without the written permission of the intellectual property and copyright owner. If the website management is informed by the intellectual property and copyright owners or their representatives that these rights have been violated, the user who shares the content subject to copyright violation may be prevented from accessing the site. If it is thought that there is an intellectual property and copyright violation regarding the content and elements within the website, a written notification containing the following elements must be forwarded to the site management as soon as possible: i) electronic signature or written authorization document of the intellectual property and copyright owner, ii) intellectual property and copyright owner. A brief information about the content protected by property and copyrights and the situation subject to violation, iii) the section of the website where the content is thought to be violated of intellectual property and copyrights, iv) contact information, v) whether the violation of intellectual property and copyrights has occurred and whether it is against the law A statement written in an appropriate manner expressing that it is separate.

User Content
The website does not guarantee the accuracy of the content uploaded and/or sent to the site by other users. It is the user's responsibility to visit the site and use these services. In case of detection of any intellectual property and copyright violation against third parties regarding the contents contained within the website and sent and / or uploaded to the site by other users, the site management has the right to delete these contents without prior warning to the users who sent and / or uploaded these contents. This applies to any part of the website and is binding on all users. If the website management deletes or removes content that is the subject of intellectual property and copyright infringement, it is not obliged to notify the violating user with justification. The right is reserved to block access to the site to users who violate intellectual property and copyright. Repetition of intellectual property and copyright violation means that the same user tries to publish or send the content subject to violation to the site more than once and the same content is deleted more than once by the site management, citing violation. Users accept in advance that the website management may change the site services and site terms of use and/or add new terms, and may also maintain the content of the services that users benefit from at certain times, so access to the site may be restricted during this period and/or the content sent to the site may be published at certain intervals. In addition, website management has the right to impose restrictions on the content uploaded and/or sent by site users, such as submission size or quantity limits. The website management has the right to make changes and/or interruptions in the services available on the site, as well as to impose restrictions on the areas reserved for content, without prior notice to the users. All maintenance and improvements regarding the services offered on the website are carried out by the site management, but the site management will not accept any responsibility in case of any loss or damage due to deficiencies or malfunctions in the content uploaded to the site by users.

The responsibility for all damages incurred as a result of users violating the terms of use of the website belongs to the user, and the website management cannot be held responsible for compensation for these damages.

The website reserves the right to temporarily and/or permanently terminate the services on the website, partially or completely, without notifying users or visitors.

Although every effort is made to ensure that the information published on this platform is up-to-date and accurate, the site management does not undertake any direct or indirect guarantee regarding the accuracy and completeness of the information. By using and visiting this website, users are deemed to have expressly agreed not to hold the site management responsible for any debt, responsibility or liability in case of any direct or indirect loss or damage arising from the use of the services published. It is not guaranteed and/or promised that the use of the site will provide specific results for users. The site administration does not represent or guarantee that the website will be uninterrupted or error-free, that defects will be corrected, or that there are no viruses or anything else harmful on the site server. To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, the site management does not make any representations or warranties regarding the use of the materials or content on the site in terms of accuracy, adequacy, usefulness, reliability or otherwise. The site management does not accept responsibility for any damage to the devices accessing the site, data loss or other damages that may be caused by malfunctions in telecommunication lines, provided that the risks of the content belong to the users. The website management reserves the right to change any content and other elements used or available on the site at any time without notice. In order to offer broader content to its users, this website has partnerships with other websites (especially blog pages) that are managed by independent service providers (websites of business partners and affiliated companies) and which do not have the right to change their content. There may be advertisements of certain standards from various companies on the website, but the website management does not provide any guarantee regarding the goods or services expressed in the advertisements here and does not have any responsibility for the advertising companies. The website management makes every effort to ensure that visitors and users act in accordance with general moral rules, but in some cases users may be harassed, insulted, inappropriate, rude, misleading, illegal, etc. by other users. It may be possible for them to be exposed to messages. In this case, the site management can prevent the user who causes undesirable events from accessing the site, but the users exposed to this situation may suffer from damage, loss, etc. will not accept any responsibility for compensation for any negativities. Users and visitors can visit the website and use the services available there at their own risk.

Users' access to and use of services and content on and through the website is at their own risk. The website undertakes to provide uninterrupted and error-free service to its users under all circumstances, without containing inappropriate content, and temporary service interruption may be possible in cases such as technical difficulties, site infrastructure maintenance and updates. Despite all efforts, there may be times when the information on the website becomes outdated due to actual events. The information available regarding the relevant services may differ from the information appearing on the website. The effect on information, services or products, including but not limited to those appearing on the website, whether linked or not, including but not limited to any warranties regarding the condition, quality, performance, merchantability, currency or fitness for a particular purpose of the contents. No warranty or commitment, whether direct or indirect, is made in this regard, and such guarantees or commitments are not accepted by the site. The website management does not make any guarantees, commitments or representations regarding the reliability, stability or virus-freeness of the current site and the servers to which it is linked.

The conditions and matters contained in this website are regulated in accordance with the laws and regulations of the Republic of Turkey. Changes or cancellations made by official authorities regarding the law are adapted exactly so that the validity of the remaining issues is maintained. The current site terms of use regulate the law between the website management and its users, and are also binding on other persons. It is not possible to make changes to the issues and conditions stated here without any official written petition being submitted between the parties. The website management may change the services offered on the site and the terms of this agreement partially or completely at any time. Changes will be valid from the date of publication on the site. It is the User's responsibility to follow the changes. The user is deemed to have accepted these changes by continuing to benefit from the services offered. If users do not accept the terms and conditions stated here, even partially, they must exit the site by not using the services on the site.

In accordance with the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698 (“KVKK”), if customers or users share their personal data with us in order to benefit from our services, as the website data controller, we will be able to record, store, update and disclose your personal data to third parties on a limited basis, within the framework determined by the Law, can be transferred and processed.

The purpose of processing personal data is to be used in all kinds of products and services within the scope of the relevant legislation; To record identity, address and other necessary information to identify the transaction owner; To organize all records and documents that will be the basis for the transaction in electronic or paper media; To comply with the information storage, reporting and information obligations stipulated by the relevant public authorities.

Your rights regulated by Article 11 of KVKK are as follows:
By contacting the website management; your personal data; a) to learn whether it has been processed, b) to request information if it has been processed, c) to learn the purpose of processing and whether it is used in accordance with its purpose, d) to know the third parties to whom it has been transferred domestically or abroad, d) to request correction if it has been processed incompletely/incorrectly, e) to KVKK. To request deletion/destruction within the framework of the conditions stipulated in Article 7 of the Code of Conduct, f) to request that the transactions made in accordance with paragraphs (d) and (e) above be notified to third parties to whom it has been transferred, g) to object to the emergence of a result against you due to being analyzed exclusively by automatic systems. g) If you suffer damage due to illegal processing, you have the right to demand compensation for the damage. In order to fulfill your request within the scope of your rights, the expenses to be incurred by our Bank may be requested from you according to the tariff specified in Article 13 of KVKK.

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